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This fun little game helps you choose your favorite monospace font from 30 candidates. My winner was Hack. I have been using it since 2015 and will continue to do so. 💻


Je viens de poster le numéro 321 de Statium, ma newsletter de foot. Si vous voulez suivre le foot pour le jeu, sans le bruit autour, abonnez-vous. Vous aurez les dates des matchs significatifs à venir, les scores, les résumés. Garanti sans journaliste de RMC Sport. ⚽️


I just realized that The Ringer has removed their RSS feed with the latest redesign. What a shame. I guess this is goodbye until this is fixed then. 🍿 × 💻



op lets you manage 1Password from the command-line. (…) Its killer features is the op run subcommand, which can dynamically inject secrets from your 1Password vault into your application's environment. Instead of storing sensitive values directly in your .env file, you reference them using special op:// URLs.

Smart. Replacing secrets by references also means that backups are easier. I also wonder if we could define a URL scheme for keychain items URL instead of op to fetch secrets. 💻


Mick F @dirtyhenry