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My 7yo son starts beating me at Mario Kart on a regular basis. I am not loving it as much as I should. 🕹️


Spirited, 2022 - ★★★★★

Spirited is a great movie. It's funny, has layers of complexity, and its purpose is very ambitious. I don't understand why it isn't more popular. Perhaps it's too long or requires too much attention. Maybe musicals are deterring potential viewers. Nonetheless, this film is an amazing instant classic for Christmas, and this year's rewatch confirmed that once again. 🍿


The Super Mario Bros. Movie, 2023 - ★★★

My kids have watched this movie about five times this month, so I feel the need to log it again here. This is solid entertainment for kids, and some lines always get to me, with Luigi’s "You’d be surprised" ranking first. 🍿


Mick F @dirtyhenry