We had planned to watch it during the Christmas season, but we missed all our opportunities and had to catch up. Yippee Ki-Yay! Following that, a video compiling all the references to Die Hard in Brooklyn Nine-Nine was a fun bonus.
I love Letterboxd and have been using it since 2012. It has improved continuously over time. I also appreciate their commitment to web standards. Just look at the RSS feed icon on any user’s diary! 🍿 × 💻
I’m pivoting to more focus on this book on individual action and building climate identity as a consumer. […] I think a lot of the meaning of one’s life as you look back in it will be what individual parts they played in this massive success or catastrophic failure. […] The risk of looking back and not liking what I see is haunting for me. And I also think that there’s a lot of low grade anxiety that people feel about not the threat, but the paralysis. So trying to create tools and heuristics for people to actually tap into something to feel good about and not just feel low key sleepwalking toward armageddon.
I have a strong feeling that when I eventually move away from software engineering, I would love to open a sustainable bar or restaurant that fosters a strong sense of community. Bookmarking this for that time, and waiting for the book.
The trick that made Mickey Mouse famous: a fascinating video by Phil Edwards explains how optical sound technology contributed to the success of the first Mickey Mouse cartoon by achieving perfect sound synchronization. 🍿 × 💻
op lets you manage 1Password from the command-line. (…) Its killer features is the op run subcommand, which can dynamically inject secrets from your 1Password vault into your application’s environment. Instead of storing sensitive values directly in your .env file, you reference them using special op:// URLs.
Smart. Replacing secrets by references also means that backups are easier. I also wonder if we could define a URL scheme for keychain items URL instead of op to fetch secrets. 💻
I just realized that The Ringer has removed their RSS feed with the latest redesign. What a shame. I guess this is goodbye until this is fixed then. 🍿 × 💻
Je viens de poster le numéro 321 de Statium, ma newsletter de foot. Si vous voulez suivre le foot pour le jeu, sans le bruit autour, abonnez-vous. Vous aurez les dates des matchs significatifs à venir, les scores, les résumés. Garanti sans journaliste de RMC Sport. ⚽️
This fun little game helps you choose your favorite monospace font from 30 candidates. My winner was Hack. I have been using it since 2015 and will continue to do so. 💻
My kids have watched this movie about five times this month, so I feel the need to log it again here. This is solid entertainment for kids, and some lines always get to me, with Luigi’s "You’d be surprised" ranking first. 🍿
Spirited is a great movie. It’s funny, has layers of complexity, and its purpose is very ambitious. I don’t understand why it isn’t more popular. Perhaps it’s too long or requires too much attention. Maybe musicals are deterring potential viewers. Nonetheless, this film is an amazing instant classic for Christmas, and this year’s rewatch confirmed that once again. 🍿
My 7yo son starts beating me at Mario Kart on a regular basis. I am not loving it as much as I should. 🕹️
The screenplay is quite thin, but the real enjoyment comes from watching Ryan Gosling’s humor. He excels as a comedian. However, if you’re looking for more of his comedic brilliance, consider watching The Nice Guys (one of my all-time favorite movies) or his Papyrus (1 & 2) sketches from SNL. Ryan Gosling and Will Ferrell teamed up for the Knife Guys on Kimmel, but I hope Gosling can one day become the new Mark Wahlberg or Ryan Reynolds in a future Will Ferrell movie. Fingers crossed. 🍿
Alors évidemment, le “consulting”, c’est comme tout, ça dépend comment c’est fait. Mais comment ne pas sourire et se rappeler des souvenirs de début de carrière quand on entend :
De temps en temps, il y avait des consultants qui venaient et qui expliquaient pourquoi il fallait virer untel, faire des économies là. Un mec qui était à son poste depuis 25 ans, ils lui disaient “non, c’est pas comme ça qu’il faut travailler monsieur”. C’était quand même à la fois violent et universel comme phénomène, ils étaient partout. Et puis après j’ai travaillé dans des organismes publics, ils étaient toujours là. Et ils faisaient la même chose, il faut faire des économies, il faut faire des gains d’efficacité, la performance. Et puis alors ce langage, ce langage avec plein d’anglicismes et puis ce langage expert qui exerce un pouvoir. Et comme des millions de français, je l’ai subi. Et ça s’exerce comme une science, comme les économistes un peu, ils pensent que c’est une science. Et donc c’est un discours qui est sans réplique quand on y est, sauf qu’après on peut écrire des livres. Et là on peut se venger. Alors vous dites avec un certain amusement, mais aussi avec pas mal d’ironie et la volonté de ridiculiser ces pouvoirs faussement savants. La littérature, voilà, elle a toujours à faire avec la bêtise de son temps. Le consulting, il y en a de mille manières. Donc il y a des choses plus ou moins vertueuses, des choses plus ou moins bidons. Alors j’en ai quand même rencontré des consultants. J’ai lu des livres, des consultants repentis, certains qui travaillaient encore, etc. Et il y a des phrases… “Être consultant, c’est prendre sa montre à quelqu’un pour lui donner l’heure et partir avec la montre”. Voilà. Enfin voilà, il faut raconter tout ça quand même. C’est apprendre à ranger une sale vide aussi ? Ah oui, alors ça oui, un consultant qui m’a dit ça, bah oui c’était apprendre à ranger une sale vide.
I got a new backpack to replace my Timbuk2 Q Laptop Backpack, which I had been using since 2012. It’s showing its age: the inner net has a big hole, I stitched up a tear in the nylon top, and all the zippers are starting to deteriorate with aging threads.
So, it was time for a new one. I opted for another Timbuk2 backpack, the Authority Laptop Backpack Deluxe, which Wirecutter recommends.
I feel a bit sad that it doesn’t have the bottle opener that my 31-year-old self was so excited about, but I hope it lasts another 12 years or more.
Cette épopée brestoise en Ligue des Champions me procurent des émotions inédites. J’essaie de les maîtriser en me rappelant La Ballade des gens qui sont nés quelque part, mais ça n’est pas hyper efficace. Les larmes au yeux. ⚽️
Fini de lire: Le ciel ouvert, de Nicolas Mathieu. Une collection des textes du compte Instragram de l’auteur. Pas fan de la 1e partie sur une relation adultère, mais quand on passe aux vignettes sur la relation aux enfants, aux parents, etc. ça fait mouche comme dans ses romans 📚
The idea of treating Christmas as a challenging logistical operation is quite amusing. The subsequent adventures, although a bit lengthy, are heartwarming and funny. I recommend it for young children. 🍿
Spotify drives me crazy with its song shuffle functionality. For example, the Apple TV app does not include a shuffle option. Instead, it applies the shuffle setting from other versions of the app you may be using. This is quite maddening.
My ideal shuffle behavior would be the following:
Never defaulting to shuffle tracks for albums. I prefer to listen to complete albums in their intended order. Who doesn’t?
Implementing a per-playlist shuffle setting. Some of my shorter playlists have a specific order, while I only use shuffle for the longer ones.
Not so much into it at first. But eventually, you get caught up in the story. Like a movie adaptation of Little Blue and Little Yellow, by Leo Lionni.
The Strava-art drawings showcased on strav.art are incredible. Some of the drawings are so intricate that I wonder if some artists are cheating, and if so, how? 🍿
I watched the movie because the guy from Script Shadow recommended it. It's quite mediocre, but you can't completely dislike it since it is based on the premise that "bullies are not cool".
I lost my Klean Kanteen water bottle, which I had since October 2014. Thanks for the ride, bottle!
It had a few dents and needed some attention to stay upright, but we had a good run together.
I’ve just ordered a replacement, and it will be a Klean Kanteen again. I hope it will accompany me for another 10 years. See you in 2034 for an update.